Most of this webpage, just like most of what I create, is freely licensed. Specific licenses and attribution are listed below.

The Bandcamp, Instagram, Discord, and YouTube logos on the main page belong to the respective copyright holders, and are used according to the respective brand usage guidelines, with explicit permission whenever required. The sitemap icon is licensed under CC0 by me. The discography icon is licensed under CC0 by ArtsyBee. The commissions icon and the contact icon are part of the Bootstrap icon collection and are MIT Licensed. All of these icons were compressed and recolored from their original versions.

The HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code of all pages is MIT Licensed by me. For the sake of compactness and consistency, this code has been minified, so you might want to use a prettifier to examine it.

All album covers have their attribution notices and licenses listed on the discography page. For info on my songs (which don't count as part of this website), see their individual Bandcamp pages.

Some content in this website has been generated with partial or total assistance of artificial intelligence. In all cases, this has been explicitly marked. Note that at the present moment, AI-generated content is not eligible for copyright in the United States. If any future decision rules that I hold ownership over this content, then I hereby license all of it under CC0. Modifications to this content may still be subject to copyright.

All other text, images, or audio in this website and all of its subpages, including but not limited to essays, poems, and logos, have either been created by myself, Violeta Hernández Palacios (viiii), or commissioned in such a way to grant copyright ownership. They are all licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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