I don't believe there's such a thing as impersonal art. In every single creation humanity has ever left, there's a piece of at least someone. Be it something as large as their life story, narrated over thousands of pages, or something as miniscule as a mannerism on a museum label. Our creations are necessarily filtered by ourselves, and we are all subtly unique. To make art is to stick a piece of your soul on a canvas, and make yourself immortal.

Of course, I do believe in the death of the author, by which I mean that you can interpret and examine art independently of the author's original intentions. In other words, all claims I make about my own art are ultimately just opinions. I don't mean, as some might claim, that you can escape accountability from supporting an asshole. But I also don't mean that the author of a work is necessarily irrelevant to analysis, since the opposite holds just as true: you can analyze art by considering the author's context, and how this might have been embedded into the final piece. Whether you consider it important or not, you'll always be able to find something.

With all that said, I might as well talk about myself.

I am Violeta Hernández Palacios and my pronouns are she/they. I am a 22 year old mathematics undergrad from Mexico. I spend most of my time engaging with mathematics, either through study, discussions, or just thinking through problems for fun. My subfields of interest include geometry and combinatorics, though I'll gladly research just about anything.

Besides that, I enjoy making music, broadly ambient but really of any genre, writing about my thoughts or about anything else, and programming in Rust. These three activities consume almost all of my time. Any time I have left after that I'll usually spend on YouTube. More rarely I'll just hang out with friends to play some random board game.

I know four languages, counting English. El español es mi primer idioma, y lo he usado para escribir parte del contenido del sitio, con traducciones al inglés. Ich habe drei Jahre lang Deutsch in der Schule gelernt und übe es noch heute, aber ich spreche es noch nicht fließend. 我会说中文,但不是很好。我有一个中文名字,叫紫卉。

My favorite drink is matcha latte, though I'll gladly drink anything caffeine-adjacent. My favorite food is elote en vaso (not esquite), with pizza a close second. My favorite integer sequence is Recamán's sequence, but I like the Fibonacci sequence as does everyone else. My favorite theorem is Zorn's lemma, but if that doesn't count, Liouville's theorem is nice too.

I am proudly and openly a transgender woman. Or to be more specific, I'm really more of a fem-leaning nonbinary person. I'm bisexual but also aromantic, specifically rD3 on the attraction layer cake. I believe Myers–Briggs is pseudoscience and that people shouldn't be forced to fit into dichotomies, but I'm probably an INTP. On a similar note, I'm a Libra. My favorite color is #7f00ff.

As for the more personal aspects of my music. My earliest works were quite directly influenced by deadmau5 and the other artists on his label. In no particular order, more recent tastes include the likes of C418, desert sand feels warm at night, Mindspring Memories, 天火見, Bull of Heaven, Nanocyborg Uberholocaust, and many others.

I have a Rate Your Music account where you can find reviews of some of my favorite albums. For a more curated playlist, you should follow my album of the week newsletter. If you're interested in discovering other smaller artists like me, you can check out this playlist I made.

I have a vast inner world, as does everyone else. I'm only set apart by the fact I've chosen to document it. What's stopping you?

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